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Quiet Changes

Over the past couple of weeks I have noticed that I have slowed down posting on Instagram, facebook, youtube. Really on all my social media outlets.

Its not because I'm disappointed in how I'm progressing, have been going through a hard time, turned one year older, etc.

Simply put the past couple of weeks I have been killing my workouts, upping my game at work, had some rough spots here or there, but most of all pushing myself to a new limit.

What I have noticed is that no picture, video, update, post, or anything for that matter will truly display the work I have and know I need to input, to change my life. Nothing will capture the true essence of the moments of doubt, joy, pain, exhilaration, and happiness I feel.

Lets also be honest, sometimes you just need a break from things.... some things I believe!

I have also noticed that when I'm not worried about capturing the picture, clip, or movie that I truly dig into the particular thing I'm working on and throw myself 110% into the moment.

There is something about that very moment where you know you are going all in or going to skate by for the hour, day, month, year, 5 years, that truly makes a victory all worth it.

Its that moment that has been captured in so many Hollywood movies... the quiet before the storm or the heightened battle cry right before you hear shields, iron, or swords crashing together in the fever pitch of battle.

You all know what I'm talking about.

I have come to realize a beautiful concept most commonly misplaced, especially in making a change, is the strength and power of being quiet!!

The strength and power of quiet allows me to truly focus on the task at hand.

I can hear my heart beat quicken, the ragged breath as I push myself to a new limit, the sounds of lifting straps tightening around dumbbell handles.

Then I open my eyes and a new world flashes before them.

Pulps are dilated as I rock back and throw the dumbbells up, feel the adrenaline surge through my veins, hear the fibers of muscle strain against the weights to hit my 10 reps on the incline dumbbell chest press for a new PR.

All for that simple moment, quiet reflecting quiet perfection, as the power eases out my body and the feeling of fatigue creeps into my muscles.

Regaining and resetting the fibers and my mental state to do it all over again because I have tapped into my moment of easy, clarity, vision to obtain my goals.

The quite is nothing more than the simplicity of you having a goal that you make known to a select few. This goal you are chasing is nothing more than your own, but the select few can give you guidance, strength, or even amplify your goal by 100X, if you do one thing.

You are quiet and listen!

The mental clarity in settling your mind and focusing on a quiet state can be something so renowned that when you look back on it you yearn to hear it again.

This is because you know that quiet spell sets in motion such a calming effect it primes your mind, body, soul, and will to ultimately release a power that rarely is seen by many.

Once you start seeing and feel the power, strength, and beauty of being quiet and just listening its a fundamental aspect that you tap into.

Its so sublime that you flow in and out of the state but when you hit that mental state some of the best changes are seen.

Its not always about being loud or talking a lot. Some of the most beautiful moments are in the quiet times of your life. So celebrate every quiet aspect, don't talk and sit back and listen. Let the power of being quiet take you to a new forever. Something you know you put your all into and are forging.

-The Iron Pulse Beats Within You

(all images linked by to original source)

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