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About Chase

Chase D. Rossman

Birthdate: August 25, 1990

Home State: Ohio

Height: 5'7"

Current Weight: 163 lbs


I began my fitness journey at the age of 18 and after my first year in college, where I started on my first beach body program. At first, it was horrible but soon with the support of my family and friends, I soon began to push past the mental barriers I had instilled.


Every time I surpassed something I thought I wouldn’t have physique wise it spurred me on to accomplish more. This hand in hand went with people saying they were proud of me or asking how I do it. I started to inform people about the small changes I had made and their admiration of wanting help soon became a passion of mine to help anyone that I could, I became a Resident Advisor and provided feedback to incoming freshman in college of how to stay active while attending college.


However, within the first 5 years of my fitness journey, I  stumbled and fell too many times to count. I had tried the quick fixes, the simple solutions, crash diets, and various workout programs and still wasn’t satisfied with what I was seeing in the mirror. The person looking back at me wasn’t at all what I had pictured and I know that I could give more, had more in me to give then what I saw. With a little motivation from family and watching some of my peers post pictures of amazing physiques, I knew I wanted to obtain that type of standard with my body.




Therefore, I started researching bodybuilding and decided to try out a program. I tried the first day, said nope not for me, and failed. Therefore, I went back to bad habits to eventually I got tired of still not seeing what I wanted.


I committed, this time lose the weight, the unwanted fat in my mid area that has been obstructing my self-image and confidence for as long as I can remember. The first cut I made amazing progress and for the first time, I felt at home. From this point on I was hooked. How do I get my abs, how much can I lift, I want bigger legs. I started to grow and wanted rapid results.


Therefore, I kept changing my programs and nutrition, which led me back into a spiral of bad habits, but I kept lifting. This is where weight lifting started to become my savior. Weightlifting was there for me every day, no questions asked, I could rely on something to always be there, I go and get lost in the moment and then do it all over again. It took me another year and half with weightlifting, to realize that what I put into my diet and training I’d get out.


This was when I knew that nothing but my vision to be my best-self mattered when it truly came down to it, as long as I was making an improvement on myself, I knew I was living.



Fast forward 6 years and I am still hooked on improving my mind and body through lifting weights.  It has become a love for me and has grown into a passion for natural bodybuilding. I enjoy the challenges, conquering goals, and accomplishing the vision I have for myself. I have noticed that my greatest rewards don’t come from the quick fixes, shortcuts, or selling out, but rather grinding for the everyday small victory.


I grind and push myself to truly become the vision I have in my head. I have also noticed that this vision includes helping as many people along in their journey as well. With this in mind, all I can truly feel  is that I have to give back  to anyone. Whether I ever make another improvement, I’d still grind every single day just because I have a love for bodybuilding, because it saved my life.


Therefore, I want to give back to anyone that needs it by offering my knowledge on fitness, nutrition, and workouts that I have personally experienced through my journey. As of right now I plan on obtaining a certification becoming a personal trainer, competing in the next couple of years, and hopefully gaining the knowledge and support to make a brand that people can relate to.




Number of Years Involved in Fitness

6 Years

Number of Years Bodybuilding

1 Year

Goal Weight

180 Lbs

Current Program

Push/Pull Hyperplasia (Self-created)

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